Pipilotti Rist is renowned for bridging the gulf between popular culture and art and for merging various mediums. From her earliest tapes through her recent multi-media installations, Pipilotti has crafted a body of work in which she appropriates this spirit for her own ends, exploring the intersection of sexuality, technology, and pop culture.
Tyngdkraft, var min vän (Gravity be my friend), 2007Installation view, FACT, Liverpool, 2008

A Liberty Statue for Löndön (monolith version), 2005/2008Audio-video installationInstallation view, Art Unlimited, Basel, 2008
Fantasy is at the heart of Pipilotti's work: her dream-like scenes often seem so loaded with suggestive images and scenarios that they threaten to collapse under their own meaning, saved, in the end, by her light touch and ironic humor. I'm always frustrating yet amazed by the saturated colors, sensual images, and an unconventional use of space and scale in her piece. Pipilotti Rist's video installations are at once tangible and boundless — witnessed in the here-and-now, but full of interpretive possibility.
One of my favourite piece from her:
Ever Is Over All, 1997Audio-video installation Installation view, National Museum for Foreign Art, Sofia
Pipilotti Rist Official Website: http://www.pipilottirist.net/
Pipilotti Rist Official Website: http://www.pipilottirist.net/
Pipilotti Rist "Pour Your Body Out" at MOMA
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